About Barry Barbell

My name is Barry K Brown, but I’m also known as Barry Barbell. I’ve always believed in the importance of being and remaining physically active, but I never prioritized strength…

Until one day I picked up a copy of Starting Strength and read this quote from Mark Rippetoe,

“Physical strength is the most important thing in life. This is true whether we want it to be or not. As humanity has developed throughout history, physical strength has become less critical to our daily existence, but no less important to our lives. Our strength, more than any other thing we possess, still determines the quality and the quantity of our time here in these bodies.”

And that same day, I decided to begin developing my strength to enjoy a long, well-lived, life.

I joined a gym, began training with barbells, and got certified as a personal trainer and nutrition coach.

And then, I began coaching men and women of all backgrounds on how to develop the strength and nutrition habits for a life well-lived.

Now, I am one of the most in-demand fitness trainers online, helping 1000s of people achieve their fitness goals and lead happier and more fulfilling lives.

Book a free consultation with me, Barry Barbell, and let’s discuss how we can help you develop your strength, dial in your nutrition, and live a happy and long life!

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