Easy High-Performance Eating Habits for an Entrepreneurial Lifestyle


Following a healthy and balanced diet is a key element to establishing peak performance as an entrepreneur. What you eat every day influences your mood, energy, and long-term health, so it’s important to get it right so you can bring your best self to your business each day.

The simplest way to install high-performance eating habits that fit your lifestyle as an entrepreneur is to follow a handful of principles that help you make smarter food choices.

This article will provide you with a few principles that work for most entrepreneurs. So whether you’re planning and preparing all of your own meals or eating out at restaurants for every meal, you can be sure to eat the right foods for your body, fitness goals, and lifestyle.

Prioritize Protein in Your Diet

You should be eating at least .8g of protein per pound of body weight. This is because proteins are essential for the body, providing amino acids that can be used to build muscle, repair tissues, and make hormones. Proteins also help your immune system function properly and keep you full longer so you don’t overeat later on in the day.

Protein plays an essential role in weight loss by increasing satiety while allowing people to reduce their overall energy intake without feeling hungry between meals. Studies showed that having a higher protein intake leads to greater weight loss than other diets despite equal caloric intake between groups

So prioritize protein in all your meals to enjoy a leaner, stronger, and healthier body that performs as it should!

Stay Hydrated

Stay hydrated. When you feel thirsty, it’s already too late.

It’s important to drink water to maintain focus and mental acuity, so drink before you’re thirsty. Make it a habit to keep a bottle of water with you at all times. At home and work, keep a glass of water nearby that can be refilled throughout the day.

Keep a journal and track how much liquid you drink each day. This will help identify any patterns in your drinking habits and make them more unconscious choices rather than conscious actions that require willpower.

Get Creative With Your Fruits and Veggies

If you’ve been feeling like eating your veggies isn’t a top priority, that’s OK. Most people have a hard time getting down the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables. This is understandable—the options at restaurants can be limited, fruits and vegetables often cost more than other foods, and it can be difficult to come up with new recipes that include them.

But there are lots of ways to get creative with vegetables and fruits:

  • Go for variety! Try different types of fruit or vegetable each week. It’s like an adventure! You’ll find that some foods agree better with your palate than others.
  • Use different cooking methods! Roasting is one of my favorite ways to prepare potatoes because they become crispy on the outside while remaining tender in the center—and they taste great sprinkled with sea salt or herbs de Provence (my favorite). But don’t stop there; experiment with different cooking methods until you find what works best for you (boiling? steaming? frying?).
  • Make juices and smoothies! These healthy treats give me a great burst of energy when I’m feeling tired or sick—and they’re easy on my digestive system too since I’m not having to process solid food through my system before assimilating it into my bloodstream like digestion normally does when we chew our food before swallowing it whole into our stomachs (ew!).


Developing and maintaining healthy eating habits is essential for your performance as an entrepreneur, but it doesn’t have to be difficult.

Just take a few of the principles outlined in this article and use them to guide your eating choices.

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